Photoshoot FAQ’s

My Photoshoot FAQ's

These are some of the most common questions I get asked about my Plymouth and Torbay Photoshoots in Devon and Cornwall. If you decide to book a photoshoot, fill out the booking form here.

Who Will Take My Pictures?

The owner of Ocean City Photography will be taking your pictures, thats me, Alan, by the way.

In my spare time I am a health advisor for the NHS and father of three. I have a full clean ENHANCED DBS certificate that I am happy to show on request.

My aim, on any shoot, is to create beautiful images in a respectful manner. If you have any questions or just want to have a chat before your shoot, we can do that and discuss your requirements and any concerns you may have.

Are All Photoshoots Free

No unfortunately not. I would love to do all photoshoots free if I could, but unfortunately I can not. 

If you are shooting at a level of Sexy Flashing and Teasing or above and give me permission to use the images from our shoot on my website and socials then your photoshoot will be 100% free.

I Don't Want Any Pictures, Can I Just Get Paid To Model Nude in Plymouth?

Yes, of cause. I pay a minimum of £20 per hour for any residents of Plymouth, depending on the shoot type.

For more details, send me a message now and we will have a chat about a photoshoot in Plymouth.

Can I Choose To Allow You To Use The Images After The Shoot?

No, you need to decide before your shoot, as if you want to keep your images private the shoot fee of £99 is payable before the shoot.

If I Model For You How Many Images Do I Get?

I do not limit the number of images you will get, unlike most photographers. If I take a range of images and there are 10 good ones, you will get a high quality copy of each of them, all professionally edited to a high standard.

The same applies if we end up with 100 good images.

How Do I Get My Images?

Once I have taken your pictures I will take anywhere from a few days to a week to professionally edit them.

Then I will add them to a private online gallery that only you will be able to access. You will then be able to download a copy of all of them.

Can I Bring Someone With Me On My Photoshoot?

If we are shooting on location or in your home you may bring a friend or chaperone with you on your shoot. You just need to let me know their full name and send me a copy of there photo ID before the day of the shoot.

This is not negotiable I have had expensive gear stolen in the past and will not shoot with someone around if I do not know who they are.

It would also be nice if you could advise them to not interfere once the shoot has started, as some ‘friends’ have tried to take control in the past and if that happens again, I will end the shoot. 

Can We Really Shoot Nude Or Nearly Nude During The Winter?

Some of my best nude photoshoots in Devon and Cornwall have taken place on cold winters mornings. I work very quickly and can sometimes get a shoot done and dusted in as little as 20 minutes. 

All you have to do is bring a big coat to wrap up in and maybe a hot water bottle to keep your walm between shots and we will still create some amazing images.

The plus side to shooting in the winter, is there are less people around at the times we usually shoot. 

Is It Really Better To Shoot At Sunrise?

Oh yes, it really is worth getting up early, the light is just so much better at sunrise. Just have a look through my portfolio and you will be able to see it is worth getting up early. 

I really do not like getting up early, but it really is worth it to create the magic.

Is Being Naked In Public Places Legal And What Happens If We Get Seen?

Yes being naked in public is totally legal. The only offence would be outraging public decency and this could not be proved on one of my photoshoots as we take the proper precautions.

We shoot early or late, to avoid people in general. We shoot at remote locations, or when there are few people around. Finally we do not shoot anything ‘sexual’ in any public place. Nudity is not sexual in nature.

Any ‘adult’ style shoots are always shot either in the clients home or my home studio, never in a public place.

Now can I guarantee that we will not be seen? No sorry, but we do try our hardest and I recommend all models bring a big coat or hoodie they can chuck on quickly should the need arise. 

So far they only time we have been seen was while shooting in an abandoned church, a little old couple in their 80’s at least. They had a good laugh at the position that both I and the model had gotten into. We had a quick chat and then carried on once they had left. The little old lady made sure to cover her husband’s eyes as well, until the model climbed down and got her coat on..

What Happens If I Still Have A Question?

The menu above has a ‘Contact Me’ link, click on that and send me a message. I am happy to answer any question you may have.